Increasing territorial planning activities through viewshed analysis
Hognogi, GG (Hognogi, Gheorghe-Gavrila) ; Pop, AM (Pop, Ana-Maria) ; Malaescu, S (Malaescu, Simona) ; Nistor, MM (Nistor, Margarit-Mircea) Geocarto International, 37:2, 627-637, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2020.1730450 Abstract Visibility analyses are employed in various fields, from landscape to archeology or territorial planning. Two case studies, of different elevation, from Romania were selected to be considered for setting up some observation […]
GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis Method for Assessment of Lake Ecosystems Degradation – Case Study in Romania
Avram, S.; Cipu, C.; Corpade, A.-M.; Gheorghe, C.A.; Manta, N.; Niculae, M.-I.; Pascu, I.S.; Szép, R.E.; Rodino, S. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18(11), 5915; Abstract In general, the elaboration of the synthesis of water quality in Romania is based on the processing of a large volume of information coming from primary […]
Multi-sensor remote sensing to map glacier debris cover in the Greater Caucasus, Georgia
Holobaca Iulian-Horea, Ivan Kinga, Alexe Mircea, Pop Olimpiu-Traian, Petrescu Sorin Hadrian, Elizbarashvili Mariam, Tielidze Levan, Germain Daniel, Gaprindashvili George Journal of Glaciology, 67(264), 685-696. doi:10.1017/jog.2021.47 Abstract Global warming is causing glaciers in the Caucasus Mountains and around the world to lose mass at an accelerated pace. As a result of this rapid retreat, significant parts […]
Spatio-temporal insights into microbiology of the freshwater-to-hypersaline, oxic-hypoxic-euxinic waters of Ursu Lake
Andreea Baricz, Cecilia Maria Chiriac, Adrian-Ștefan Andrei, Paul-Adrian Bulzu, Erika Andrea Levei, Oana Cadar, Karina Paula Battes, Mirela Cîmpean, Marin Șenilă, Adorján Cristea, Vasile Muntean, Mircea Alexe, Cristian Coman, Edina Kriszta Szekeres, Cosmin Ionel Sicora, Artur Ionescu, David Blain, William Kenneth O’Neill, Jessica Edwards, John Edward Hallsworth, Horia Leonard Banciu Environmental Microbiology (2021) 23(7), 3523–3540 […]
Indicator‐based assessment of local and regional progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): An integrated approach from Romania
József Benedek, Kinga Ivan, Ibolya Török, Arnold Temerdek, Iulian-Horia Holobâcă, First published: 04 March 2021 Funding information: Ministry of Research and Innovation CNCS-UEFISCDI, Grant/Award Number: project number PN-III-P4-ID-PCCF-2016-0084, within PNCDI III Abstract In order to measure progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, 169 targets have been approved globally. Even though […]
Faces of Marginal Housing in Romania
Hognogi G-G, Pop A-M, Marian-Potra A-C. Sustainability 2021, 13(7), 3983; Abstract Marginal settlements may be defined as inhabited areas characterized by a series of negative features, typicallyethnic segregation, social discrimination, poor living conditions and conflicts, with impact on their dwellers and neighboring communities. In Romania, informal settlements were legislated in 2019; it subsequently became […]
A GIS-Based Spatial Analysis Model Approach for Identification of Optimal Hydrotechnical Solutions for Gully Erosion Stabilization. Case Study
Bilașco, Ș.; Roșca, S.; Vescan, I.; Fodorean, I.; Dohotar, V.; Sestras, P. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(11), 4847; Abstract The accentuated degradation of agricultural lands as a result of deep erosion processes is the main problem identified in abandoned agricultural lands under the rainfall intensities, increasing number of hot days, indirectly under the impact processes […]
The Integrated Assessment of Degraded Tourist Geomorphosites to Develop Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study of Grădina Zmeilor Geomorphosite, North-West Region, Romania
Codrea Paula-Minerva, Bilasco Stefan, Roşca Sanda-Maria, Irimus Ioan-Aurel, Vescan Iuliu, Rusu Raularian, Fodorean Ioan, Sestras Paul, Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(19), 9816; Abstract Most of the natural geomorphosites represent main attractions that have a high tourism potential and need great care in terms of their capitalization. The irrational tourism capitalization of the geomorphosites may lead […]
Flash Flood Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Digital-Era Governance Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and GIS Spatial Analyses Case Study: Small River Basins
Bilasco Stefan, Hognogi Gheorghe – Gavrila, Roşca Sanda-Maria, Pop Ana Maria, Vescan Iuliu, Fodorean Ioan, Marian-Potra Alexandra-Camelia, Sestras Paul Remote Sens. 2022, 14(10), 2481; Abstract Watercourses act like a magnet for human communities and were always a deciding factor when choosing settlements. The reverse of these services is a potential hazard in the form […]
The impact of extreme temperatures on human mortality in the most populated cities of Romania
Andreea-Sabina Scripcă, Fiorella Acquaotta, Adina-Eliza Croitoru, Simona Fratianni Int J Biometeorol (2021). Abstract The impact of extreme weather conditions on humans is one of the most important topics in biometeorology studies. The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between temperature-related weather conditions and natural mortality in the five most populated […]
Evaluation of the quality of lentic ecosystems in Romania by a GIS based WRASTIC model
Niculae, Mihaita-Iulian, Avram, Sorin, Corpade, Ana-Maria, Dedu, Silvia, Gheorghe, Carmen Adriana, Pascu, Ionut Silviu, Ontel, Irina, Rodino, Steliana Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 5361 (2021) Abstract Globally, ecosystems are constantly degrading as a result of pressures derived from human activities and climate change. For working towards the restoration of the natural balance, it is necessary to […]
Geodetic and UAV Monitoring in the Sustainable Management of Shallow Landslides and Erosion of a Susceptible Urban Environment
by Sestras, P.; Bilașco, Ș.; Roșca, S.; Dudic, B.; Hysa, A.; Spalević, V. Remote Sens. 2021, 13(3), 385; Abstract Landslides are a worldwide occurring hazard that can produce economic impact and even fatalities. The collection and monitoring of data regarding active landslides are important for predicting future landslides in that region, and is critical […]
Tree ring archives of debris flow contamination in a post-mined area: Combined dendroecological research
Radek Tichavský, Olimpiu Traian Pop, Martin Mihaljevič, Karel Šilhán, Lenka Vondrovicová CATENA, Volume 207, 2021, 105595, ISSN 0341-8162, Abstract The degradation of forest ecosystems represents a severe environmental issue in anthropogenically modified landscapes worldwide. We demonstrated the negative impact of contaminated debris flow deposits on riparian forest in the Romanian Carpathians through the innovative […]
Indicator-based assessment of local and regional progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): An integrated approach from Romania
József Benedek, Kinga Ivan, Ibolya Török, Arnold Temerdek, Iulian-Horia Holobâcă Sustainable Development. 2021; 29: 860– 875. Abstract In order to measure progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, 169 targets have been approved globally. Even though interest in implementing these goals is high, many states have not yet established a set […]
Climate change perception in Romania
Cheval Sorin , Bulai Ana, Croitoru Adina-Eliza, Stefan Dorondel, Micu Dana, Mihăilă Dumitru, Sfica Lucian, Tiscovschi Adrian Theoretical and Applied Climatology volume 149, pages 253–272 (2022) Abstract In the last decades, anthropogenic drivers have significantly influenced the natural climate variability of Earth’s atmosphere. Climate change has become a subject of major interest for different levels of our […]
Performing Democracy: An Analysis of Church-Based Electoral Capital in Romania
BÎRSĂNUC ELENA-MANUELA, Cocis Emanuela Adina, GLIGOR VIOREL, MAN TITUS-CRISTIAN, NICULA ALEXANDRU – SABIN, STOICA MIHNEA SIMION April 2021 Transylvanian Review XXIX(2):291-309 DOI: 10.33993/TR.2020.suppl.2.18 Abstract Confessional diversity triggers various social and political behaviors of citizens. In terms of the relation between politics and religion, Romania is both a diverse and a complex case study, as the […]
Importance of watermills for the Romanian local community
Gheorghe-Gavrilă Hognogi, Alexandra-Camelia Marian-Potra, Ana-Maria Pop, Simona Mălăescu Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 86, 2021, Pages 198-207, ISSN 0743-0167, Abstract This study identifies the potential interrelations between nostalgia, experiential tourism and watermill heritage and its implications for the local community. The study area is represented by the catchment area of the Someșul Mare River […]