IS-ENES3 Eastern Europe Spring Schools
on Climate Data and Impact Assessments
Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Research Centre for Sustainable Development in collaboration with

Climate change is seen as one of the biggest challenges in our times. To be able to do climate change impact studies and to adapt to climate change the knowledge of many different disciplines is needed and knowledge on climate data and experience on analyzing and processing climate data is needed. During the spring school, organised by the Babeş-Bolyai University and the IS-ENES3 project, climate and impact researchers and students will be able to get practical experience with analyzing and processing climate data and with working together on an impact study.
- get more knowledge about the various types of climate data and tools/methods to analyse/process them and get experience in using these tools/methods/data;
- learn what is needed for interdisciplinary impact/adaptation studies on climate change;
- create/broaden network on climate change and impact assessments.
Target groups
- Climate researchers and students (Bachelor, MSc, PhD);
- Impact researchers and students (Bachelor, MSc, PhD) on agriculture/forestry, hydrology/water management and health.
The working language during the course will be English
- Registration deadline: April 25, 2022.
- Participants notification on acceptance: April 29, 2022.
When and where?
The schools will be organized in the week of 17-20 May 2022
in Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Course: 17-19 May, and on the 20th of May a field trip.
Two parallel courses, that work together on the last day:
- For climate researchers/students: Detection of extreme temperature and precipitation indices (title): on using ICCLIM, CDO, with short introduction on R and Python, How to use API and ESGF to get access to climate data,
- For impact researchers/students: Introduction to climate data for impact studies. Introduction on types of climate data, challenges in using climate data, portal for access to climate data and for analyzing/processing climate data, climate indices and how to get climate data input for impact models
We aim at 15-20 persons per group (total of 30-40 participants).
Accommodations, meals and travel
Accommodation in double rooms, lunches, and the field trip will be covered by the organizers. Travel costs will be covered by participants.
How to arrive!
Babeş-Bolyai University (BBU) is a World Class public institution of higher education whose mission is to promote and sustain within the local, regional, national and international community the development of specific cultural components. It is one of the top Romanian education and research institutions, according to most national and international ranking schemes. BBU considers scientific research as one of its main missions; for us, within BBU, as well as in interactions with the national and international community, research represents the main criterion for evaluation of academic standing. With everything it does, the Babes-Bolyai University strives to be a model of diversity, of cultural experiment, a pole of sustainable growth, a center of knowledge and technological innovation. The Faculty of Geography is one of the most important pillars in terms of education and research of the BBU. With its specialisation of Hydrology and Meteorology, the Faculty of Geography became one of the national leaders on climate research (and especially on climate change).
IS-ENES3, an Horizon 2020 project, is the third phase of the distributed e-infrastructure of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES) ( ).
The project fosters collaboration between twenty-two European climate research institutions.
The community aims to develop a better understanding of past and present-day climate and to project future variability and changes through the development and sharing of model components, modelling tools and data infrastructure.
The IS-ENES3 three main objectives are to:
- Foster collaboration among the modelling groups to speed-up the development and use of models of the complex Earth’s climate system, namely “Earth System models” (ESMs)
- Deliver common strategies for the research infrastructure
- Disseminate model data
“IS-ENES3 has received funding from the European Union’s 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824084.”
Adina – Eliza Croitoru (PhD.)Csaba Horvath (PhD.)Blanka Bartok (PhD.)Bela Kobulniczky |
Janette Bessembinder (PhD.)Vladimir Djurdjevic (PhD.) |
Vladimir Djurdjevic (PhD)
Is an associate professor of meteorology at the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia. He was visiting scientist at NOAA/NCEP (USA), CMCC (Italy), IST (Portugal) and ICOD (Malta). His expertise is in the field of climate modeling, climate data analysis, climate impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. He participates in the international initiative Med-CORDEX and he is a member of the International Planning Committee of the Pannex hydroclimate project. He is or has been involved in the European projects ORIENTGATE, DRIHM, GEO-CRADLE, ClimatEurope and IS-ENES3.
Vladimir Djurdjevic (PhD)
Peter Siegmund (PhD)
Peter Siegmund (1961) has a PhD in physics.
He is a climate expert and researcher at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute with interest in atmospheric dynamics, the stratosphere, climate, and climate change.
He is lead author of the Global Climate 2015-2019 report of the World Meteorological Organization.
Peter Siegmund (PhD)
Janette Bessembinder (PhD)
Works at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute since 2005. She is involved in climate scenario and climate services development. In the Netherlands she has led several projects on the tailoring of climate data for users ranging from impact/adaptation researchers, companies to policy makers. She is or has been involved in the European projects EUSTACE, ROADAPT, WATCH, C3S ULS, Climateurope, PRIMAVERA and IS-ENES3, mostly as work package leader related to tailoring and dissemination. She also organized the schools on “Climate data use for impact assessments” in 2020 and 2021.
Janette Bessembinder (PhD)
Day 1: Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Time | Detection of extreme temperature and precipitation indices | Introduction to climate data for impact and adaptation assessments |
8:15-9:00 | Check-in (First floor) | |
9:00-9:45 | Official opening (First floor, Room 43) | |
9:45-9:50 | Break | |
9:50-11:10 | Lecture: Climate Data Operators (CDO) (Ground Floor, Room 30) | Lecture: Types of climate data and their advantages and disadvantages (Ground floor, Room 37)
Lecture: Portals and tools for access to climate data and for analysing and visualizing data (Ground floor, Room 37) |
11:10-11:30 |
Coffee break (First floor, room 45) |
11:30-13:00 | CDO exercises (Ground Floor, Room 30) | Exercises with presented tools and portals (Ground floor, Room 37) |
13:00-15:00 |
Lunch break (BBU Restaurant) |
15:00-16:20 | CDO exercises (Ground Floor, Room 30) | Challenges in using climate data for impact/adaptation studies.
Lecture and exercises (Ground floor, Room 37) |
16:20-16:40 |
Coffee break (First floor, room 45) |
16:40-18:00 | CDO exercises (Ground Floor, Room 30) | Challenges in using climate data for impact/adaptation studies exercises (Ground floor, Room 37) |
18:00-19:00 | Meeting between the 2 groups and short pitches on possible case studies (First floor, Room 43) | |
20:30-22:30 |
Dinner (Miko Restaurant) |
Day 2: Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Time | Detection of extreme temperature and precipitation indices | Introduction to climate data for impact and adaptation assessments |
9:00-10:45 | Lecture: Index Calculation for CLIMate (ICCLIM) (Ground Floor, Room 30) | Lecture: Impact models and the use of climate data in impact models (Ground floor, Room 37) |
10:45-11:15 |
Coffee break (First floor, room 45) |
11:15-13:00 | ICCLIM exercises (Ground Floor, Room 30) | The use of climate data in impact models. Exercises (Ground floor, Room 37) |
13:00-15:00 |
Lunch break (BBU Restaurant) |
15:00-16:20 | ICCLIM exercises (Ground Floor, Room 30) | The use of climate data in impact models. Exercises (Ground floor, Room 37) |
16:20-16:40 |
Coffee break (First floor, room 45) |
16:40-18:00 | ICCLIM exercises (Ground Floor, Room 30) | The use of climate data in impact models. Exercises (Ground floor, Room 37) |
18:00-19:00 | Meeting between the 2 groups and decide on groups for case studies (First floor, Room 43) | |
19:30-22:00 |
Dinner (DOLCE VITA Restaurant) |
Day 3: Thursday, May 19, 2022
Time | Detection of extreme temperature and precipitation indices | Introduction to climate data for impact and adaptation assessments |
9:00-10:00 | Lecture: Introduction on impact studies, user requirements, etc. (First floor, Room 43) | |
10:00-11:20 | Work on case studies: determine the subject, user requirements, needed climate data and processing, start with analyzing (Ground floor, Rooms 30 and 37) | |
11:20-11:40 |
Coffee break (First floor, room 45) |
11:40-13:00 | Work on case studies: determine the subject, user requirements, needed climate data and processing, start with analyzing (Ground floor, Rooms 30 and 37) | |
13:00-15:00 |
Lunch break (BBU Restaurant) |
15:00-16:20 | Work on case studies and short presentation (Ground floor, Rooms 30 and 37) | |
16:20-16:40 |
Coffee break (First floor, room 45) |
16:40-17:50 | Work on case studies and short presentation (Ground floor, Rooms 30 and 37) | |
18:00-18:40 | Present the results of the case studies to each other (probably in groups) and discuss challenges (First floor, Room 43) | |
18:45-19:15 | Conclusions and official closing (First floor, Room 43) | |
19:30-22:00 |
Dinner (LIVADA Restaurant) |
Day 4: Friday, May 20, 2022
Field trip on the route: Cluj-Napoca – Turda – Râmeţ – Alba-Iulia and back. 8:30 – Departure 9:30-11.00 – Visit to salt mine in Turda 12:00-13:00 – Visit the Ramet Monastery 14.00 -15.30 – Lunch 15:30-16:30 – Visit to Alba Carolina Fortress 18.00 – Arrival to Cluj-Napoca |
Field trip
IS-ENES3 Eastern Europe Spring Schools and climate data and impact assessments Privacy Policy is available here.